Hydrocephalus 2016 Meeting – International acclaimed neurosurgeons in Cartagena


Hydrocephalus 2016 Meeting:

Internationally acclaimed neurosurgeons in Cartagena


In October, Cartagena hosted successfully the important medical congress of Hydrocephalus 2016 (www.hydrocephalus-meeting.com/2016) welcoming about 200 participants from 24 countries.Being an absolute success, the Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Hydrocephalus and Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders (ISHCSF) unfolded the most recent developments in the International Hydrocephalus Community and created further prospect for the future research in the field. The Congress took place in the Colombian city on 8-10 October 2016.

Participants had the opportunity to join sessions and watch lectures of internationally acclaimed keynote speakers who arrived in Cartagena especially for this cause. During the event various pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment companies and other companies directly related to the field of neurosurgical science were hosted in a friendly environment and contributed to the success of the scientific meeting. ARTION was responsible for the organisation of the Congress and the IHIWG Meeting.

