Valentini Amarantidou at ICCA 2024 in Istanbul


The ICCA Mediterranean Chapter Meeting, hosted in Istanbul from 2-4 June 2024, brought together meeting industry leaders and experts from across the Mediterranean region, to address the opportunities and challenges of the destinations in this historically rich and culturally diverse region. The event was a great success, providing valuable knowledge exchange, while creating a platform for future collaboration.

Our Director of Development, Valentini Amarantidou, representing Artion Conferences & Events, along with Handan Boyce from Handan Boyce Consultancy, Ambra Lee Agnoletti from Minor Hotels Europe & America and Feyhan Kaprali from TEKSER Tourism, discussed, in their panel, moderated by Milos Milovanovic from Gaining Edge, about the Ingredients for Success in Capturing the Essence of Meeting Destinations and about Perfect Planning of Events and Site Inspections.

With our appreciation to the ICCA Leadership and the Local Hosts, the TGA and the Istanbul Convention Bureau, for their excellence in preparing and hosting this meeting, we look forward to the next ICCA gathering!

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