Dear delegates,

the 28th ICPESS is a conference completely different from all the previous ones. The Organising Committee was called to make decisions in conditions we have never experienced before and decided, at the right time I believe, not to stop the twenty-eight-year course of the conference of Komotini and to dare the transition from a live conference, as we were used to and loved, in a digital one, as we probably need to know it and make it part of the process from now on.
I cannot hide the fact that we were often faced problems for which we had no alternative and the visible option seemed like the only way. I believe that we have solved everything and we have moved forward with determination and confidence that our choice is one and only: to rewrite history, as the pioneers of this conference made history in 1993.
As the Chairman of the Organising Committee, I would like to warmly thank some people who have been serving the conference for many years, but today they came to the forefront without a second thought and without them the e-conference could not have taken place. I will do it by name, because in the current situation it is the right thing to do. I would like to thank Panagiotis Antoniou, Efi Tsitskari, Georgia Yfantidou, Erasmia Giannakou, Panagiotis Kasimatis, Charalambos Liakos and Christos Kazantzis.
I would also like to thank our sponsors, DUTH, Municipality of Komotini, “Thrakika Ekkokistiria”, “Serinth” and “Science Technologies Organization”, who did not back down and supported us unconditionally, even though everyone is investing in live contact. A special thank you to the three keynote speakers, Ms. Panagiota Klentrou, Mr. Panteleimon Ekekakis and Mr. Konstantinos Filis, who without much thought agreed to be part of this peculiar situation.
A big thank you to the media that covered the conference again, throwing the spotlight indirectly at Komotini, which was deprived of the glory of its favorite conference this year. Finally, I thank all those who in any way contributed to making this e-conference a reality and of course all those who entrusted their research work to us.
So allow me to welcome you to the first digital conference of Sports Science in Greece, at the 28th International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science and to wish to meet again in Komotini in May 2021, learning from this experience and giving the opportunity of participation in distance delegates.

Until then, I wish everyone health.

Antonis Kampas
Professor of Kinetic Development
President of 28th e-I.C.P.E.S.S.

Event Detail

June 12, 2020 9:00 am
June 14, 2020 7:30 pm
Komotini, Greece

