C & E 2022

“Cereals: Archaïc food of the future”

Thessaloniki, April 06 – April 08, 2022

We cordially welcome you to lively and relaxing Thessaloniki and to the 7th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting! Rooted in archaic times the city, breathes youth and future, so it is definitely a good place to have an excellent Spring meeting. In the excellent Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki is a stele from the 1st C BC, given to humanity by a goddess starting “I am the one who discovered Wheat for mankind” before other ethical gifts and rulings, like “I regulated the course of the sun and the moon”. This indicates the importance of wheat in antiquity and cereals as the most important staple food for mankind for several millennia. Cereals are also a main source of raw materials for beverages animal feed and more recently for non-food applications.
Cereal Science in combination with Cereal Technology have played a pivotal role in expanding the applications of cereals in a broad range of products and improving product quality. This has resulted in various benefits, like nutritional and product quality, higher yields, more efficient and more sustainable processing. New technologies and knowledge will help to progress this further.
Since 1915 the world’s largest organisation of cereal scientists, Cereals & Grains Association, formerly AACC International, is advancing cereal science world-wide and has significantly contributed to the progress in this science.  Cereals&Europe as the largest section of AACC International is fulfilling this mission in Europe.Every two years we are bringing cereal scientists and technologists together to share and discuss their latest findings in a pleasant venue with sufficient time to scientifically and socially interact.
Therefore it is really great pleasure that the lively and historic city of Thessaloniki can host the biyearly C&E Spring Meeting. The Cereals&Europe team and other organizing and sponsoring parties will do everything to guarantee the friendly environment to our guests for the effective scientific work and networking.

Dr. Ir. Peter Weegels                     Prof. Maria Papageorgiou

Chair Cereals & Europe              International Hellenic University

Event Detail

April 6, 2022 9:00 am
April 8, 2022 7:30 pm
The Met
The Met Hotel Thessaloniki

