AIACE 2022

The Hellenic Section of AIACE has the honour of inviting you to meet in 2022 in a region of Greece full of history, ancient and modern, surrounded by a crystal-clear sea, mountains full of pines and other trees, with a very rich subsoil and thermal sources, a mild climate and strong agricultural tradition. During the wintertime, there are crops of oranges and lemons and during the summer months there is a large production of peaches, apricots, pears, olives, and above all, the famous grapes from which the Corinthian raisin is made. Historically, hospitality was understood in Greece as a moral obligation. For us it will be additionally a real pleasure to meet you in the country which became the cradle of our civilisation and the source of our values. 

We hope you’ll join us in Loutraki for the 2021 Congress and enjoy a relaxed break with former colleagues. 

Didier Hespel
Secretary General in charge of the organization of the Congress

Despina Vamvakidou

Event Detail

May 14, 2022 9:00 am
May 20, 2022 7:30 pm
