31st Congress of the Hellenic Society of Horticultural Science

Fruit and vegetables as a countermeasure to the growing environmental, climatic and geopolitical challenges

Horticultural science as a countermeasure to the increasing environmental, climatic and geopolitical challenges was the focus of the 31st Conference of the Hellenic Society of Horticultural Science, held from 29 October to 2 November 2023 at the Cultural Conference Centre of Heraklion, Crete.

The conference, organised by the Hellenic Society of Horticultural Science (HSEO) and the Department of Agriculture of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (ELMEPA), was attended by 200 renowned scientists, who presented research results and exchanged ideas and experiences with colleagues from Greece and abroad.

The conference covered 6 thematic sections (viticulture, floriculture, landscape architecture and urban greenery, aromatic and medicinal plants – beekeeping, arboriculture and horticulture), including lectures, oral and poster presentations, as well as round tables with representatives of companies from the fields of nutrition – fertilization, propagating material, mechanical and other equipment.

The aim of the EEO, which currently has 250 members, is to promote the science of horticulture, the intellectual upliftment of its members and the development of cooperation between them. Its mission is to ensure that these activities have a positive impact on agricultural production.

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